List of items required for branding

Are you ready to start your white labelling journey? Creating and launching your own fleet management portal and mobile app can be made easy by following these essential requirements:

Administrator Registration:

  • Your (Administrator) email address:
  • Your company address:
  • An email address with “admin” in it (E.g.; SSL issuing authority sends mail only to the admin email for SSL certificate validation.

Web Portal Requirements:

  • Register a domain name.
  • Share with us the website URL.
  • Give details of your SMS gateway for alert notifications.
  • Provide SMTP details for email notifications.

Mobile App Requirements:

  • The branded mobile app shall be uploaded to your own Play Store account. Please create a user with developer privileges and share its login credentials. Please refer to Dealer partner pricing for more information on Apple iOS mobile application guidelines.
  • Submit separate launcher icons and splash screens for the admin and parent apps in vector format.
  • Submit a logo in PSD format along with a login screen image.
  • Please share your company’s privacy policy.
  • Submit the support team’s email address.
  • Share social media links for Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  • Provide your preferred names for the app.

We hope these requirements make it easy for you to get started with your white-label software! Don’t let these requirements overwhelm you! We’re here to help you every step of the way.

With white labelling, you’ll have the power to take your brand to new heights and create a seamless customer experience.

Don’t hesitate to contact us ( if you have any questions or need any assistance.