Release notes – AVLView (ver. 5.2.4)
Audit trail
The new audit trail in partner portal helps you keep track of each & every action taken on your client accounts, i.e., who performed what action and when exactly.
E.g.,User11 added a new client,, on 01/02/2016 10:42:12 am.
Admin deactivated a vehicle (Vehicle 4, SDK 3456 G) of a client,, on 17/06/2016 11:55:13 am.
John Smith canceled a subscription, Pro B Singapore 5 vehicles 10/02/2017, of on 12/02/2017 10:58:37 am.
Please access audit trail from the grid on the top right-hand side of your screen.
Grace period for renewals
You might have been receiving calls from your clients requesting to extend their renewal date for a few more days.
Renewals tab has been classified to 3 tabs, Upcoming, Expired, Renewed. A new option ‘Extend’ has been introduced for ‘Expired Subscriptions’ on ‘Renewals’ tab that helps you set a grace period for renewals.
Add vehicle history/notes
All activities related to vehicles to be listed on edit vehicle page.
Clients => Choose client => Choose vehicle => Edit
View order summary
View a summary of orders on ‘Orders’ page itself
Orders => Choose Order => Click on the row
Vehicle diagnostics
RUN diagnostics to identify, analyze and rectify issues before it starts hurting the clients.
Clients => Choose Client => Choose vehicle => Diagnostics
A quick search on dashboard
Search for Devices, Users & Sim details using the quick search option on the dashboard.
Dashboard => Quick Search
This can also be accessed from any page on your partner portal using the grid on right-hand side top.
Generates Credit note
The system automatically generates a credit note upon cancellation of a client account with days still to go for the expiry of current subscription.