Enhanced Report and MapView module.

AVLView Ver. 7.1

We are happy to announce the release of the latest version 7.1. It comes with many significant improvements for Reports, Mapview and Alerts modules.

We have some exciting news!

The reports generation has become a whole lot faster. Reports grid will load data before you can snap and would take you fewer clicks to sort, filter, drag/drop and finally to generate a summary of the report.

Reports -> Filter

You may filter a column and re-generate the report as required.

E.g., On a Daily activity report, you have three activity types under the “Activity” column viz., Engine Off, Idled and Moved. You may opt to show/hide any of these types as you would like to see on a report.

AVLView Adhoc report filter

Reports -> Group

You may group the entities on the report grid based on multiple criteria, such as vehicle, date, events.

And each group entity shall have a Summary.

In addition, you can format the report grid viz.,

  • Pin columns.
  • Do Value Aggregation (eg: SUMMARY).
  • Drag and move a column to left or right.
  • Autosize All/Specific columns.
  • Expand/Collapse the Summary.

Reports -> Drag & drop

In response to a number of requests, we added a feature that helps one to drag and drop the desired columns in the report grid.

As shown in the image below; ‘Group’ is dragged under Row Groups. The entire Report will now be sorted based on these two selected columns namely ‘Vehicle’ and ‘Group’.

AVLView drag drop

Reports -> View archives

For those of you who frequently search through past archived data, would find it easy now.

Fleet archive report

Reports -> Chart -> Water level

Fleet water level chart

Reports -> Chart -> Truck cargo load

Fleet cargo load level chart

Alerts -> Create template

All these days you were receiving alerts in a predetermined format, the improved alert module allows you to create a template of your choice.

AVLView create alert template

Alerts -> Water Refill/Drain

This is mainly aimed at fleet operators who have fleet ferrying water. Alerts can be generated on every water drain and refill.


Alert -> Loading/unloading


MapView -> Track Summary

It is an easy way for you to have a glance at the past trips along with fleet metrics such as Distance covered, Hours plied and the maximum speed at which the vehicle was driven.

AVLView mapview summary

MapView -> Heat map

Generating a heatmap helps you understand fleet activity for the period chosen.

Fleet track heatmap

MapView -> Export tracks

Keeping a digital record of your Track data (historical data of all the trips) has become easy now with the option to export the same in kmz/xls format.


MapView -> Track counter

Now you can enable/disable viewing track number on geo-location markers.

Geo location marker tracker

ACTION: We’re going to be moving quickly from now on, so stay tuned to learn about upcoming product releases and training.

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