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Set User Privileges

I have vehicles running for different departments in my company. When my sub-user Salesman logs in, I want him to see only the vehicles running for the Sales department.

Firstly, we need to group your vehicles according to the departments. Then, assign these group(s) to the applicable sub-user(s).

To create a new group

Step 1: Navigate to Settings

Go to Settings and click “Groups”

Vehicle Groups

Step 2: “Add New Group”

Add a new group, name it and save the changes

Add New Group

Step 3: Repeat the step

Repeat the step to create different groups for all the departments in your company

Assigning vehicles to a group

Step 1 : Manage vehicles

Go to Settings and click ‘Manage’ in Vehicles

Manage Vehicles

Step 2: Choose a vehicle number

Choose the vehicle number in the left pane

Step 3: click Optional

In the right pane, click Optional

Step 4: Click Edit button

Edit Vehicle Details

Step 5: Select the desired Group

Select the desired Group for this vehicle from drop down

Edit Vehicle Details

Step 6: Save the Changes

Step 7: Apply changes to all vehicles

Apply this for all the vehicles in the list

To assign group(s) to a sub-user

Step 8: Click “Personnel”

Go to Settings and click “Personnel”

Personnel Settings

Step 9: Edit user details

Click the Settings button next to the user name and opt to Edit

Edit User Details

Step 10 : Choose vehicle groups

Under Groups, select the group(s) you wish to assign to this user

Choose Vehicle Groups

Step 11: Click Update.